CoVid-19: Inflammation and Molecular Imaging

Elemaster and MVM protagonists of prestigious webinar “CoVid-19: Inflammation and Molecular Imaging” held by major international teams of scientists.

In the days from May 20th to 23rd, the International Advisory Committee, hosted the online seminar “CoVid-19: Inflammation and Molecular Imaging”.

The webinar featured distinguished researchers and scientists from all over the world to discuss the major research advances with the aim of transferring them to the clinical research field and then expedite the translation to clinical practice.

Webinar: “CoVid-19: Inflammation and Molecular Imaging”

In the days from May 20th to 23rd, the International Advisory Committee, hosted the online seminar “CoVid-19: Inflammation and Molecular Imaging”.

The webinar featured distinguished researchers and scientists from all over the world to discuss the major research advances with the aim of transferring them to the clinical research field and then expedite the translation to clinical practice.

The scientific coordinators of this event were Franco Garibaldi from “Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Roma” and Evaristo Cisbani from “Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma”. Fundamental to the organization of the event were the Local Organizing Committee and the Organizing Staff, where it is possible to find experts coming from “Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare”, “ENEA”, “Sapienza University”, “Ospedale Santa Maria Goretti”, and “Istituto Superiore di Sanità”.

Among the distinguished participants, Arthur McDonald, a Canadian astrophysicist winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2015. During his speech “From fundamental physics research to medical applications: Ventilation System and PET” he presented the “Milano Ventilatore Meccanico” a low-cost, well controlled, and easy to operate electro-mechanical ventilator that can be produced quickly, at large scale, based on readily-available parts, targeting intubated CoVid-19 patients in Intensive Care Units.

“We came together with Elemaster in Italy and with companies and national labs in Canada and United States to build this new type of Ventilator” said Arthur McDonald; in fact, the Elemaster’s headquarters based near Milan (capital of Lombardy, one of the regions most affected by CoVid-19), hosted the pull of scientists coming from all over the world, coordinated by Cristiano Galbiati, Professor of Physics at GssI (Gran Sasso Scientific Institute) and at Princeton University in New Jersey (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). Here, the development and the realization of the product took place.

This project involved 60 Institutions across Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Poland, United Kingdom, and United States; it was supported by medical practitioners, national laboratories, government agencies and manufactures; the final paper released in March 2021 counts more than 250 authors.

The realization of “Milano Ventilatore Meccanico” took place in about 10 days, and the design was quickly published with an Open-Source Licence. On 1st May 2020, USA released the FDA.

Emergency Use Autorization, on 30th November 2020 Canada released the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) certification, and finally in April 2021 Elemaster obtained CE mark.