In Evidenza

February 17 2021

A new plant dedicated to prototypes and innovation

Elemaster is glad to announce the completation of its new building in North Italy, near Milan, started in 2020 and specialized in prototypes and innovation.

February 1 2021


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January 1 2021

CAD-UL Electronic Services changes its name in ELEMASTER GERMANY

Elemaster is pleased to announce the completion of the process of integration of the historical German society CAD-UL Electronic Services, which from 1st January 2021 changed its name in ELEMASTER GERMANY.

October 27 2020

Le aziende top dove lavorare – Elemaster classificata tra i 400 “Italy’s Best Employers 2021”

Importante riconoscimento di “Italy’s Best Employers 2021” per Elemaster, che si colloca sedicesima nella categoria “Elettronica”. Il Corriere della Sera ha pubblicato nell’edizione di lunedì 26 ottobre, nello speciale Economia, i risultati del sondaggio che ha coinvolto oltre dodicimila lavoratori contattati attraverso un Online Access Panel e da Statista, una piattaforma digitale tedesca che […]

October 8 2020

Georgia Department of Economic Development

Following to the continuous growth of our American facility located near to Atlanta, on October 8th our headquarters was honored by the visit of the Georgia Department of Economic Development

May 20 2020

Vexos Signs Exclusive License Agreement with Elemaster to Manufacture and Distribute MVM Ventilators in t ...

VEXOS Inc., an award-winning global electronics manufacturing services (EMS) provider, today announces the signing of an exclusive license agreement with Elemaster Group to manufacture and distribute the MVM (Mechanical Ventilator Milano) Ventilator for the Americas

May 5 2020

Respirazione assistita: il “Milano Ventilatore Meccanico” certificato dalla FDA americana, è pronto ...

Il Milano Ventilatore Meccanico (MVM) ha ottenuto la certificazione di emergenza (EUA, Emergency Use Authorization) della FDA Food and Drug Administration

April 7 2020

Un ventilatore meccanico per salvare vite

Un ventilatore meccanico replicabile rapidamente su larga scala. È l'obiettivo di “Milano Ventilatore Meccanico”, un progetto di ricerca internazionale che coinvolge più di venti realtà scientifiche